Hi there!
I am Lucia, the founder of this website, and I live in Italy.
Other than being a Travel Writer and Blogger, I am also a Video Editor and YouTuber with a knack for Storytelling and History. I’m a Remote Online Worker, sometimes a Digital Nomad (Italian residency) and I solo Travel (most times), Live, and Work Abroad and an Expert Traveling in Italy.
I started this blog in 2020 with the main mission – to inspire YOU to travel to Italy, one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Today, this site is filled with practical tips on visiting awesome destinations, not just in Italy but around the world. It is a go-to resource for many travelers, and I sincerely hope you will find it useful too!

Travel Blogger & Content Creator
Digital storyteller and creator, I film my travel adventures and create travel content from around the world.