Every man dies . Not every man really lives ~ William Ross Wallace.

“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown

“LIVE FULL, DIE EMPTY.” ~ Les Brown.

Hello, lovelies, I’m so excited to be back and as promised in my previous blog post after a lengthy hiatus (albeit was much needed ), I purpose to be very consistent in here.

So, a few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. This inspired me to create my own bucket list and write a post about it at the same time.

What’s a Bucket List?

If you’ve never heard of the term “bucket list”, well, it’s a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill, and life experiences you wish to experience, more so, before you die.

Why Create a Bucket List?

Ever felt that your days were passing right in front of your eyes without any tangible output? What did you accomplish in the past month and so what are your goals for the next three months? Look at the things that you have been doing and the things that you’re planning to do next then ask yourself if they mean anything to you if you are to die today? For me YES!

Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important to you so that you can act on them. Also, I’m a huge believer in the power of manifestation, this is a story for another day but to put it in short, what you put out to the universe, you shall get back, and that’s PERIODTT and it’s, not magic, it’s Quantum Physics.

Needless to say, a couple of years ago I decided to create a Vision Board at the start of each year and work towards accomplishing them by the end year, and if you ask me, 99.1892698721% (LOL) of the times I achieved them, if not all because also I set realistic goals on the vision board that I knew I’d achieve within a year.

This gets you looking forward to working hard and basically living otherwise life can get a bit boring if you just let the wind toss you around without a plan. Speaking of Vision boards, I might just start a culture of writing a post about my previous years’ Vision Board so it inspires someone to try as well.



Why you might ask that I’m sharing my previous and not current vision board…. well they say, KEEP YOUR MOVES SILENT until you’ve grind them. I personally share my moves (even the smallest of moves) much later when I have crossed them because I don’t like being jinxed, no, don’t say it loves till it’s done.

Therefore, a Vision Board is a yearly target while a Bucket List is a lifetime one, and with the time you achieve some and also you add some, therefore, I shall share mine, the crossed ones I already did and done!

Bucket list

So here goes …

  1. Sky diving,
  2. Learn deep-sea diving,
  3. Swim with the dolphins,
  4. Surf,
  5. Bungee jumping,
  6. To just wake up and pack my backpacks and set off to a random location with no itinerary,
  7. Visit Bali,
  8. To plunge into the snow and ice-cold water while dressed in bikini only,
  9. Get paid well doing a job I am passionate about,
  10. Build my mother a house,
  11. Own real estates (be a landlord),
  12. Own a beach house,
  13. Horseback riding solo and unguided (already did but with a guide),
  14. Own a yacht and name it, Lucy,
  15. Go on a cruise,
  16. Paragliding,
  17. Travel every month to a new country for a year or two and this shall be on my Vision Board when I reach a certain age but I’m not gonna say it here when… jinx jinx…
  18. Own a fashion store,
  19. To see my daughter doing and earning very well from what she loves and is passionate about so may God bless her.
  20. To see my daughter grow to be successful and happy and therefore be the best version of herself,
  21. Get a DSLR camera,
  22. Start Youtube and just in case you don’t know I did a previous blog on this and my channel’s name and link is BASIC TO GLAM CHIC .
  23. To be a solo traveler to a new country.
  24. Own a glass house surrounded by a gigantic pool which will be my retirement home for most of the time when I’m not traveling,
  25. To age gracefully and in good health.
  26. Build an orphanage and fund it,
  27. To have a driver’s license from my country of origin so now I’m currently working on my Italian one.
  28. Have so many true like-minded friends that I can travel around the world with and enjoy life to its fullest.
  29. Live in many other countries,
  30. Climb a mountain
30 down, 70 to-go …
Bucket list

31. To do something hella crazy and fun as hell on my 40th birthday, I’m still thinking what!

32. Perform a kind deed without expecting anything in return,

33. Climb to the peak of Mt. Everest,

34. Stay in an Underwater Hotel,

35. Learn to Ice skate,

36. Learn to Water ski,

37. Camp in the wilderness,

38. Have sex on the beach,

39. Learn Italian fluently (getting there),

40. Learn French fluently,

41. Do Yoga or Pilates,

42. Get a belly button pierce,

43. To get a tiny cute tattoo of birds just above my boobs for one of my coming birthday’s because why not?,

44. Be a model and catwalk on the runway even if just for a day.

45. Be on the Cover of a Fashion Magazine.

46. To visit Morocco,

47. Be forever young,

48. Be forever in perfect shape,

49. Fly in a hot air balloon,

50. Be a bridesmaid,

We are mid-way through my 100 bucket list ideas, yeeeee haaaaa …

51. Fly first class,

52. Get a huge Henna Tattoo,

53. To go to a costume party and dress up as my favorite cartoon character which so happens to be Princess Jasmin of Alladin ,

54. To ride a roller coaster but I still want to do it again, this time I promise I won’t vomit 😂 😂

55. Live in another country.

56. Visit a castle.

57. Do a charity walk and finish it.

58. Be a cool and fun mum,

59. To travel to each continent so now 5 to go …

60. See the Aurora Borealis,

Bucket list

61. Backpack across at least 10 locations

62. Pray more often.

63. Get my dream body back after the weight gain.

64. Find the wine flavor that I enjoy. “ohh do you know FERRARI??? I Don’t mean the car, I mean the Italian white wine from Trentino. Ferrari is the mother, granny, ancestor of all the best white wines that I have tasted, slightly more expensive than my second favorite, which is Prosecco, (PROSECCO ANYDAY, ANYTIME) and for the cheap price I love it even more (If you buy it in Italy that is, lol). Chardonnay gat nothing on this. Sorry France, I love you too but my wine remains Italian.

Getting to the finish line ……

65. Live through 4 seasons of the year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter),

66. Do volunteer work ,

67. To go bamboo rafting,

68. Live in a different country for at least 6 months (more countries please 🤞🤞!)

69. Get closure on any past unhappiness,

70. To go zip-lining,

71. Befriend a stranger,

72. Have my Palm Read,

73. Create a Passive Income,

74. Sunbathe Topless on the French Riviera | France,

75. To make a Career Out of a Hobby, this I’m working on so help me God.

76. Go fishing,

77. To learn Computer Programming Languages and I’m so glad that I self taught myself 5 languages (now if I sit down and concentrate I “think” I can come up with a project.

78. To learn to Use Chopsticks however Sushi is not for me, please cook my FISH!

79. To go skinny dip but with other fun and crazy peeps like me 🤪

80. To take an Underwater Selfie,

We are almost there guys …

81. To win an Award. So, I actually got 2, one was a trophy for being the cleanest and most organized student and the other for scoring the highest grade in my final English examinations and need I say IN THE COUNTRY “CLASS OF 1999”… YAAAS!

82. Sponsor a Child’s Wish through the Make-a-Wish Foundation

83. To go scuba diving and snorkeling and be able to experience the amazing marine life up close,

84. Walk and Dance barefoot in the rain,

85. Go skiing outdoors in the real snow ( I know how to ice skate but I did it indoors)

86. To act in a play and take the lead role.

87. Have my Nude Body Artistically Painted, ooooh yes!

88. Start a blog!

89. Attend a Jazz Festival,

90. Be in a beauty or fashion TV commercial.

Bucket list

91. Trek the Inca Trail.

The Inca Trail is the most famous trek in South America and it is rated by many to be in the top 5 treks in the world, so it starts from Chillca and follows a route to Machu Picchu, The Lost City of the Incas.

92. To go to the Maasai Mara and see the wildebeest migration. Shame I never did it.

93. A vacation to Santorini.

94. To jump off a cliff and obviously land in the water or just glide, daaaah!

95. Play a Tennis Match

96. Play Badminton

97. Do pole dancing.

98. Participate in a dancing competition.

99. Drive a Speed Boat.

100. Go on a Safari.

Bucket list

Yeeeey!! I made it to 100!! It’s amazing to just know how much more you need to achieve in life so I DARE YOU to write your own 100 Bucket List and would love to know them too, maybe some we can do together 😉.

Create Your List

If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly recommend that you create one because it will cost you Zero. All you need is to sit and ponder at what it is that your heart desires and write them down somewhere because there is also the power of physically writing it down, then each time you look at it you manifest it unto the Universe.

If you already have a bucket list, take this opportunity to review it and see if there are new items you want to add on and check if all the items listed are still relevant. If not, remove them.

Thank you for visiting here and as always I’m so pleased of having you. I would love to know your Top 5 bucket list ideas too because maybe it would help me add more to mine too 😉 .

I hope to see you in the next blog post or if not maybe I’m on my Youtube Channel or simply on Instagram posting some random pics so whichever way , let’s hook up lovelies…

Ciao e a dopo 😙 😘 and stay safe.


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