Dear Old Self: Happy 36th Birthday!

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… Dear old self, another year downbut a lot more to comeHappy Birthday to me! …

36 things I’d tell my younger self …

Dear Old Self,

Happiest of Birthdays’!

Being your number 1. fan, allow me to be the first person to wish you the very best of Birthdays life has to offer. You have come a very long way and you still have a long way yet to enjoy in life. I am very very very proud of the woman you turned out to be despite all the challenges and ups and downs you battled throughout life. You stood with your head held high through it all. You’ve grown so much in every aspect of life both mentally, physically (this I wish I could slow down even stop, lol), spiritually, and emotionally.

Here, in hopes that it might be helpful to you too the reader on your own journey, are 36 things I wish I could tell my younger self: (plus a tab bit too many pics of me….. because it’s my bday … and also coz I can … :

1. Love yourself first.

This you had to come to learn pretty late but hey, they say better late than never. Being you, a natural empath, you would put others first and always run to assist those in need even when you clearly knew that your cup was running dry. The world can be a cold dark place, especially with Narcissist that prey on Empaths’ soul like yours. Your previous relationships say it all, all you got was drained and depleted. Now you know better to take EXTREME good care of your energy and steer clear of energy Vampires that are ready to leech on every ounce of blood that runs through your veins! Ouch! That was harsh, but now I say it as it is. Love yourself first, be your own cheerleader then give what is left to give ( Most likely nothing much, LOL, NO APOLOGIES!)

2. Eat what you can when you still can.

Gone are the days when you could gorge everything and anything at mouth’s distance. Now everything you put in counts. Keep exercise, eating well, and healthy living in balance. Schedule rest and recreation regularly. The older you get, the more you’ll understand why.

3. Set boundaries.

I wish they thought this in school because instead of acing the non-applicable Abstract Maths such as Topology, Real Analysis (the HELL, total waste of my existence!), this was a worthwhile investment that you would have carried all through life.

4. Don’t get distracted in your life path.

5. Study for what you love and have a passion!

6. Have more fun in life especially when single.

Okay this you can’t lie even before the gods, you did have fun when single! One day I’ll sit my grand kids around the fireplace and tell them about all my singlehood escapedes. If I could I’d still do it all over again and again!

7. Work smart, not Hard!

8. Dear Old Self: Save.

This has been a major rollercoaster especially starting out life after University with little to save and also the need to enjoy life, because, hey, we live now, Right? Well, till now it’s a struggle but still learning.

9. Dear Old Self: Invest.

It’s a W.I.P!

10. Travel more.

I can’t complain much about this, being a true Sag , I can say I traveled to many places, moved houses to many locations without any fear of what lay ahead. I still think to live to the true name of a Sagittarius I could have done more earlier in life , but its alright, I have more beautiful years ahead of that to see the World!

11. Take more risks.

12. Don’t miss any age milestone. 

This you learnt a couple of years back but waaaaay after University. If there is one thing I’d do if I went back in time is to Party, Club and Dance more! Life is short!

13. It’s never that serious , take it easy.

14. Don’t rush into relationships, being single was amazing!

15. That goes to say, don’t rush into marriage,  it’s a trap!😂 (Kidding but not kidding)

16. Stop watching so much TV. Read more.

(Although, young me, you did read an awful lot, so maybe you should have gotten outside and played more.)

Dear Old Self

17. Avoid people with closed minds, who tend to be negative. They are the worst breed…

18. Having kids is a beautiful thing and a great sacrifice, be ready to sacrifice!

Dear Old Self

19. Take care of yourself.

You are not one who took alcohol , did drugs nor messed around with toxic chemicals to harm your skin, aka, skin lighteners, but you sure could have waited having early pregnancy, LOL!

20. Dear Old Self: Just Live.

21. People pleasing, learn to say NO!

22. Speak your mind.

Ooooh now I know this, now I do….

Dear Old Self

23. Take care of your health.

24. Think for YOURSELF, or others will think FOR you without thinking of you.

This is the Gospel truth darling, everyone is out here for themselves. Don’t let anyone think for you, PERIODTT!

25. Never beg for love, the right one will find you.

Doooll! The love you have is enough to give you and yourself , no one can give a fraction of that to you.

26. Try not to be so gullible.

Trust, but verify — with independent, objective sources, not mouthpieces for particular viewpoints or axes to grind.

27. But sometimes, for any number of reasons, it is time to move on, for your sake or theirs or both. Recognize this.

Dear Old Self

28. Don’t take yourself so seriously all the time.

Laugh. Oftenly. Laugh from the bottom of your belly whenever possible, letting the tears run down your cheeks, guffaw even if it’s not elegant. It’s almost as good as sex…

29. There are some people in your life you will never understand, and maybe not even like. Make the best of it. But if you realize they are harming you, avoid them. Don’t let them suck the air out of your spirit.

30. Some people will give you good advice;

listen to them. Others don’t know what they’re talking about, and others are just advising you out of their own selfish interests. Learn to distinguish between the three. You will know in your gut when others’ advice is sound. (And I hope mine is.)

Dear Old Self

31. Life is a Journey.

So this list will still get longer as you learn day by day.

32. Accept and celebrate every ounce of you. No one can be you!

33. Forgive yourself.

You are good at forgiving others , infact you tend to not dwell on the bad that people do to you but you get so hang up on yourself for the mistakes and wrongs you did. Forgive yourself first.

34. The mind is everything, what you think, You Become…… feed your mind with good things.

35. Dear Old Self: Don’t Give A Fuck!

Dear Old Self

36. Dear Old Self you are Diamond, VERY PRECIOUS… don’t let them treat you less.

Always remember to hold your views and opinions dear to your heart. Remember self-love is VERY VERY VITAL especially in this cruel, harsh, narcissistic, selfish world. You are beautiful, smart, and fearless. 2021 is going to be your best year so far and you are going to follow your 36 years’ lessons to heart as you learn some more along your journey in this thing called LIFE! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

Dear Old Self

I love loving you,

yours forever and always,
