Taking Stocks

Taking Stock 3 of 12 | 2021.

Hello my lovely blog fan readers. Today I’m so excited to add a new trend to my blog page, it’s about Taking Stock! This year it’s all about growth, renovations, learning, and doing new things as well as exploring.


A Taking Stock Post is like a heart-to-heart chit-chat of my months’ progress. It involves making life reflections. It’s also a fun way for you and me to get better acquainted… I will be Taking Stock every last day or close to last day of the month, giving you a brief inside into how my entire month has been and what I accomplished and what I missed. Like everything you do really on a monthly basis say, end month house budget where you look at your monthly spending, expenses and finances etc, here I shall be doing basically the same on a monthly basis about my blog.

Taking Stocks

I first discovered this idea on Sharon Mundia’s blog ages ago then later saw many other East African bloggers doing the same. Hence I thought it’s about time I did the same. Just to give credit, Sharon Mundia is one of the kindest and down-to-earth people that I know. She really had some influence on me way back and motivated me to start blogging and YouTubing. She also has a youtube channel and I must say that when she talks, she is very therapeutic. The fact that Content creation is her major breadwinner “with a kid” just makes me want to push harder to make it.

Let’s take stock.

Taking Stocks


Guys, I just passed my Italian Theory driving exams and it was my first time doing the exams. If you live in Italy you know that this is a great deal, like real great deal because it’s hella tough especially for a foreigner like I who barely can speak Italian, leave alone understand what people are saying. Just imagine that the italians themselves fail this exam over and over . If I tell you that I passed through hard work I mean it. I think I’ll do a You-tube video about this because I might just be of help to someone.

Taking Stocks

The exams have 40 questions and you have 30 minutes to do it. The pass mark is 4 wrongs and guess what, this bad bitch right here just got 2 wrongs, like hell to the yeah, I’m badass! And also it’s a very expensive course. My secret even without knowing the language, do lots and lots of quiz and also if you can take Italian classes first please do, don’t be like me who just jumped on it.

I tell you the truth, if it were not for the quizes I’d not be talking now of my accomplishment because honestly speaking while in class I can tell you for a fact I understood 10% of my teachers words, I was really a frustrated rained on cat 😆😆. So cheers to achieving my Vision Board 2021 and my Bucket List Ideas. Now you know why I missed my Monday blog, lol, I was having exams, but here we are, aaaallll worth it.

Taking Stocks


A VACATION! I feel so overwhelmed by life, corona, lockdown, being far from home …. like Universe please hear me out 🙏🙏.


Eating Clean and Healthy! I used to exergaerate my portions and deserts, Italy can mess up with your diet if you are not careful because everything is delicious. It takes a really strong will to control yourself. Craving of Chapatis with beans😋 .

Taking Stocks


Drinking my 2nd litre of water and it’s 11:25 AM as I blog. For me it’s effortless drinking water but when I go out for my walks for 4 hours I choose not to drink because I’m on the road and access to public loos is a nightmare so I don’t carry any water with me.


A huge heated leg warmer as I blog. Yes it’s spring here but it’s still cold and I particularly get cold hands and feet very fast also I have 2 sweaters and a marvin on, you can never be warm enough, lol.

Taking Stocks


At how consistent the universe is with my visions and wishes. You receive what you give.


The last scent I applied on yesterday, Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue. Yesterday I went out to pick my Folio Rosa, which is a document allowing you to drive after passing the theory driving exams as you do the practical exams. It being hot yesterday I decided to put on my all time fav summer scent. TIP: It’s not that long lasting but if you apply some vaseline on your pulse points then spray, the scent lasts longer.

Taking Stocks


Very positive that 2021 will be my greatest year. I have so much planned out and already I have accomplished some on my 2021 Vision Board, like I’m really being intentional this year to do what I love, work hard at them and enjoy doing it as well.


How to create YouTube videos from, shooting, editing, applying sounds etc. It’s fun and interesting but sometimes it can be overwhelming . But in 2021 we are not slacking, OOOOH NOO NO!


To a lot of Motivational and Success videos and podcasts. Whenever I go for my long walks I always listen to Law of Attraction Coaching on YouTube and Good Girl gone boss podcast amongst others. With little time to myself I feel listening whilst walking really helps me kill 2 birds with one stone and maximizing my time as well.


Some old country music by Dolly Parton, Shania Twain and Kenny Rogers. Growing up when we would travel to the countryside to visit my grand parents, we always played the country music as my late father drove us through the beautiful savannah watching the wildlife just go about their business. Those moments are to be cherished💖💖💖.


The woman I’m becoming, more self-aware, loving myself, and knowing what I stand for. There’s so much I want to share with you on this topic but this needs to be unfolded over time. I already did some on my blog under the LIFESTYLE page under MY DIARY. I intend to do many such blog posts on this topic to enlighten other women and men because it’s not gender-biased, and also because it’s very therapeutic for me. A Letter to My Dear Old Self is one of them.


More content and staying consistent at it. This month I didn’t slack on my blog posts save for Monday when I had an exam and last week I couldn’t schedule one. Also,this month I started my YouTube channel, please Subscribe and show me some love. I’m slowly learning so let’s be patient 😊😊.

It’s a wrap for today guys, stay Positive, Work Smart and have good intensions. Also try taking stock of your own monthly goals and achievements, it helps you stay in line.

Love and kisses to you all. 😘😘

Arrivederci e ci sentiamo dopo.


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