My 2020 Vision Board
Hello Gorgeous people, today you are lucky to have a look at My 2020 Vision Board as promised in my previous blog post on My Bucket List Ideas.
❝ Have a Vision. It is the ability to see the Invisible. If you can see the Invisible, you can achieve the Impossible. ❞
What is a Vision Board??
So basically, A Vision Board is a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals which are intended to serve as inspiration or motivation and to use the Law of Attraction to attain the goals/wishes.
What’s the Importance of A Vision Board??
A vision board helps you clarify what you want out of your life because it forces you to put something down. … As you reflect on your vision board each day, Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals. The reason that vision boards work so great is that you visually see them every day. Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do.
Here I have listed for you 4 importance of having a Vision Board.
1. Vision boards make you think about what it is you really want.
Creating a vision board forces you to make the time to sit and REALLY think about what it is you want from life.
I’m sure you think about the things you want a lot, but do you really focus on them?
Do you document them anywhere outside of your head?
A vision board forces you to go beyond casual thinking and focus on your goals and aspirations.
2. Vision boards help you get unstuck.
Our lives are so congested and overflowing. We wake up, we work, and we have our chores.
We have limited flexibility in our daily environments and can become almost robotic over time.
This is one of the major reasons that most people feel stuck in life.
They are exhausted and overworked. They have lost touch with their creative side.
Does this sound like you?
A vision board is an effective way to unstick yourself.
Get out of your overly programmed brain and let your creative juices flow.
Get out of your funk. Throw some randomness together. Get out of your bubble.
You get the picture, great!
3. Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals.
The reason that vision boards work so great is because you visually see them every day.
Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do.
When you see something that inspires you on a daily basis, you stay on track.
Even when you face setbacks, that vision board will still be there ready to motivate you all over again.
4. Vision boards will get you all fired up emotionally.
Seeing your vision board will help you passionately connect with your goals.
It can help you notice opportunities or simply make you imagine what something may feel like.
If you get fired up and passionate about something, it will spur you into action.
When you make something more clear and concrete in your mind, it feels more real and attainable. You start to believe that, hey, I just might be able to make this happen.
That’s one of the most powerful benefits of a vision board. No matter what you believe about yourself, no matter how much self-doubt you have, a vision board done right will slowly begin to transform your inner belief system into one which is more confident, certain, and self-motivated.
Do Vision Boards Work?
As mentioned above, vision boards do work because they take the thoughts and dreams in your head and turn them into something real and tangible.
BUT, and it is a big BUT, they only work for you if you are prepared to work with them.
What does this mean? You have to engage with your vision board and use it to guide your actions as you progress toward making your goals a reality.
Simply making a vision board and storing it away in a cupboard, only looking at it briefly every few weeks or months, won’t get you anywhere. Yes, really…
As with most things in life, you get out what you put in.
The power of a vision board comes in its ability to motivate you to do the work that is required to make the things you put on it a reality.
If you believe in the law of attraction, a vision board will help you to manifest.
It will guide your mind’s eye toward the things you want and help you to imagine your life matching the life you have created on your board.
My 2020 Vision Board.
So are you convinced with my reasons for having a Vision Board?? Hope I did. Now going to my 2020 Vision Board, by the way, I always reveal my vision board once its time expires, that is, after 1 year because I don’t want any negative energy floating around to jinx up my plans so its safer to do it at the end of the year. I made my 2021 Vision Board in a big board and this one is pretty cute guys, can’t wait to show you guys. Apart from it’s cuteness, I notched up higher and made some pretty daring goals and you know what, I can say that I am actually HALF-WAY done and achieved my goals, and we are in May, like, GOSH!! This thing is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!
So last year being my first Vision Board, I did just wrote it in my notebook and every time I opened the book, there it was staring at me and constantly reminding me to move my skinny ass. Here’s a look …

Yes I know it might look sketchy but that was my first Vision Board and as you can see I pretty covered all my goals except for joining any Expat groups here in Italy but that’s cool.

That’s it guys for today, make sure you have your vision board done for this year, we are almost mid-year so better hurry towards making your goals and dreams come to life.
See you in the next, Ciao …