Castel di Tora & Colle di Tora
Hello my beautiful people. Today we have a travel blog on Castel di Tora & Colle di Tora. I must say that the place is spectacular!

Castel di Tora:

Castel di Tora is an Italian town of 278 inhabitants in Rieti province, in the Lazio region and it is located in the Turano valley. It is reflected from the north-eastern shore in Lake Turano. Guys, I am so proud that I captured that reflection photo of the mountains on the Lake with just my phone. I actually wish I had my camera along but still, the photos were amazing 👌👌. Castel di Tora is part of the club of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

I did a blog on Matera and it’s also known to be one of the Most Spectacular Cities in Italy. Basically, if you are in Italy, you are surrounded by beautiful landscapes and sceneries. I have this saying that everywhere you walk in Italy is like an open museum. Castel di Tora is located on the shores of Lake Turano, in the Natural Reserve of the Navegna and Cervia Mountains. Castel di Tora is one of the wonders of Lazio, and one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Colle di Tora:

Meanwhile, in the southern part of Rieti province, we have Colle di Tora which is also located on the Lake Turano shores. It’s an Italian town of 356 inhabitants, a small number as well.

Both Castel di Tora and Colle di Tora are close to each other, basically, they are separated by Lake Turano. Walking through the two small towns , the streets and even the homes looked deserted as they have very few inhabitants but the few locals that I met on the streets were all very kind and cheerful and they always said hi. Okay, if you live in the major cities and towns of Italy you know that being greeted on the streets is strange. In the two Tora towns the locals practically know each other and rarely see people especially during the season we went which was winter. This place being surrounded by mountains and a lake makes it even colder so when they see visitors they actually feel happy hence the warm greetings.

Its a very beautiful place actually but if you intend to live there best during the summer. The small streets are shadowed and the sun barely reaches within the town.

The calming serenity of the place is a dream come true for me as I love anywhere with water bodies. Due to Covid restrictions, we weren’t allowed to do any sporting activities at the lake. We also couldn’t cross the long bridge that I so wanted to cross by foot because it was under construction. What a bummer!! Ohh well, next time I guess. I can’t complain, what I saw was worth it as I managed to capture as many pictures of the place as possible.

I hope you enjoyed …
That’s it from me guys. I hope you enjoyed my walkthrough Castel di Tora and Colle di Tora. In case you have been there let me know your perception of the place in the comments below. If you haven’t, darling what are you still waiting for, this place is amazing.

I have also included a VIDEO (BELOW) of this place on my YouTube channel. Please have a look and don’t forget to do everything that YouTubers always ask, i.e; LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to my channel (not necessarily in this same order, lol).
Thank you darlings for visiting my blog and see you in the next.
A Dopo 💝💝.

Colle di torra never been there but have seen all these beautiful photos you took its breathtaking.Planning to visit in the future
That’s great dear, I’m glad you liked the pics, it’s even more beautiful at sight. Thanks dear 💝
So beautiful 💗😍
I knoooow, it is indeed. Thanks for visiting 💖💖