Fake Dome optical illusion of Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola, Rome.
Rome is truly and really MAGICAL … and the Fake Dome optical illusion of Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio is part of the MAGIC!
Among its beautiful artworks and famous ancient ruins, the “Eternal City” holds many secrets, hidden gems and optical illusions created to perfection by Masters of the past.
When in Rome you can admire lots of these stunning artworks; you will come across the magical perspective of Via Nicolò Piccolomini of the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica and Bernini’s beautiful artwork at Palazzo Spada, ohh, and let’s not forget the Pantheon and St. Peter’s square optical illusions of the Colonnade! I told you Rome is MAGICAL!!
Well, dear reader, there’s more, and more , and more! In Rome, you can even find a fake dome, as in the Church of Sant’Ignazio of Loyola. Now you get why I love Rome so freakin much!

The Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
A few meters from the magnificent Pantheon, you can awe the beautiful Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio in Italian, i.e: Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius.

The church was broke and was not able to create a real Dorne. For this reason, the works were suspended, the church had a flat ceiling and no dome. Until 1679, when the painter and architect Andrea Pozzo came up with a brilliant idea to create a fake dome inside the Church that would fool the eyes of visitors. And fooled we were!.
Now after seeing what appears to be a “Dome”, when exiting the Church outside, LOOK UP! and you’ll realise there’s no cupola there.
The Fake Dome illusion of Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio

Pozzo even painted rays of light coming through his fake windows … talk of illusions …
Well, now we all know where the famous phrase ” fake it til you make it” was coined!
When you visit Rome, see this beautiful optical illusion for yourself!
Adios, let me tour the magical Rome, meanwhile, you can read my other blogs on the Eternal city from TREVI FOUNTAIN, SPANISH STEPS, THE MOUTH OF TRUTH and I have videos on the PANTHEON, CLIMBING THE DOME OF ST. PETER’S BASILICA and many more. Rome is far much more than the COLOSSEUM, the ROMAN FORUMS and the Pantheon, Rome has HIDDEN GEMS and it is my pleasure to show you this as well.
If you are visiting other Italy, check these places out; TUSCANY, THE MONSTERS OF BOMARZO, ORVIETO (a fav) , I stop there otherwise you’ll be mixed up …
Ciao Ciao! Ci sentiamo dopo ….