Welcome lovelies to my First blog post! Drum rolllllllllls!!!
Hello, my name is Lucy, editor of Basic to Glam Chic blog. Here, my lovely viewers, I will write about Fashion and Beauty and I hope to grow the blog with you guys.
This 2020 truly brought us many new surprises but my starting this blog is surely one of the positives in 2020. I’m so excited that I finally got to start a blog …… yeeey!
I never thought building a website would be time-consuming and a tad bit hard but I can tell you for free, if the mind is set to something, nothing can stop it. It’s still a work in progress so basically I’ll be building the blog with you slowly slowly, a few adjustments here and there … as they say, Rome was not built in one day so we start this journey with a step at a time … let’s just dive into the blog intro because I could talk on and on … actually I could write to much … in real life, I’m known to be the quietest human being tho … I promise …
To start, I have this LITTLE RED DRESS, every gal should own one … PLUS a little black dress. I live in Italy and around this time usually, it’s freakin cold but this year it’s just among the surprises that the good Lord brought us … am I complaining, heck no! I love hot, I am hot … I mean I’m a Fire sign, I dwell in the heat! Speaking of zodiacs, well I had to get this bookmark, I must say that I’m a proud Sag! We are the Adventurers, Freedom is our best friend, we are one of the Smartest signs, the funniest and wittiest, and most importantly, the most Optimistic of all the zodiacs, after all, we are ruled by the planet Jupiter.

I could go on and on about this topic but that’s for another day.
Today let’s dress this little number for the fall season. It being not cold I just threw on my checked coat and paired with some knee-length boots with minimal accessories for a chic look…..after all, just because it’s cold doesn’t mean we should walk around looking like a potato … One a light note … lol. Enjoy the rest of the photos …

I also made this neckpiece, it’s one of the things that I enjoy doing …

Thanks lovelies for reading through, please leave a comment and also tell me which is your favourite season and why …. mine is summer…. why … I like it warm …..
Arrivederci, ci sentiamo alla prossima.
Baci Baci …
“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”

Cutie barbie
You got a nice smile that brights up the sky ;-))
Thank you Cutie Barbie 💋
Woow Lucy i love that necklace plus your fall look is so beautiful.
Thank you so much Haika xoxo 💋